Source code for ivadomed.object_detection.utils

import json
import statistics

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from loguru import logger
from scipy import ndimage
from pathlib import Path

from ivadomed import postprocessing as imed_postpro
from ivadomed import transforms as imed_transforms
from ivadomed.loader import utils as imed_loader_utils
from ivadomed.keywords import ObjectDetectionParamsKW, MetadataKW

[docs] def get_bounding_boxes(mask): """Generates a 3D bounding box around a given mask. Args: mask (Numpy array): Mask of the ROI. Returns: list: Bounding box coordinate (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max). """ # Label the different objects in the mask labeled_mask, _ = ndimage.label(mask) object_labels = np.unique(labeled_mask) bounding_boxes = [] for label in object_labels[1:]: single_object = labeled_mask == label coords = np.where(single_object) dimensions = [] for i in range(len(coords)): dimensions.append(int(coords[i].min())) dimensions.append(int(coords[i].max())) bounding_boxes.append(dimensions) return bounding_boxes
[docs] def adjust_bb_size(bounding_box, factor, resample=False): """Modifies the bounding box dimensions according to a given factor. Args: bounding_box (list or tuple): Coordinates of bounding box (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max). factor (list or tuple): Multiplicative factor for each dimension (list or tuple of length 3). resample (bool): Boolean indicating if this resize is for resampling. Returns: list: New coordinates (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max). """ coord = [] for i in range(len(bounding_box) // 2): d_min, d_max = bounding_box[2 * i: (2 * i) + 2] if resample: d_min, d_max = d_min * factor[i], d_max * factor[i] dim_len = d_max - d_min else: dim_len = (d_max - d_min) * factor[i] # new min and max coordinates min_coord = d_min - (dim_len - (d_max - d_min)) // 2 coord.append(int(round(max(min_coord, 0)))) coord.append(int(coord[-1] + dim_len)) return coord
[docs] def resize_to_multiple(shape, multiple, length): """Modify a given shape so each dimension is a multiple of a given number. This is used to avoid dimension mismatch with patch training. The return shape is always larger then the initial shape (no cropping). Args: shape (tuple or list): Initial shape to be modified. multiple (tuple or list): Multiple for each dimension. length (tuple or list): Patch length. Returns: list: New dimensions. """ new_dim = [] for dim_len, m, l in zip(shape, multiple, length): padding = (m - (dim_len - l) % m) if (m - (dim_len - l) % m) != m else 0 new_dim.append(dim_len + padding) return new_dim
[docs] def generate_bounding_box_file(subject_path_list, model_path, path_output, gpu_id=0, slice_axis=0, contrast_lst=None, keep_largest_only=True, safety_factor=None): """Creates json file containing the bounding box dimension for each images. The file has the following format: {"path/to/img.nii.gz": [[x1_min, x1_max, y1_min, y1_max, z1_min, z1_max], [x2_min, x2_max, y2_min, y2_max, z2_min, z2_max]]} where each list represents the coordinates of an object on the image (2 instance of a given object in this example). Args: subject_path_list (list): List of all subjects in all the BIDS directories. model_path (string): Path to object detection model. path_output (string): Output path. gpu_id (int): If available, GPU number. slice_axis (int): Slice axis (0: sagittal, 1: coronal, 2: axial). contrast_lst (list): Contrasts. keep_largest_only (bool): Boolean representing if only the largest object of the prediction is kept. safety_factor (list or tuple): Factors to multiply each dimension of the bounding box. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing bounding boxes related to their image. """ from ivadomed import inference as imed_inference bounding_box_dict = {} if safety_factor is None: safety_factor = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] for subject_path in subject_path_list: object_mask, _ = imed_inference.segment_volume(model_path, [subject_path], gpu_id=gpu_id) object_mask = object_mask[0] if keep_largest_only: object_mask = imed_postpro.keep_largest_object(object_mask) mask_path = Path(path_output, "detection_mask") if not mask_path.exists(): mask_path.mkdir(parents=True), Path(mask_path, subject_path.split("/")[-1])) ras_orientation = nib.as_closest_canonical(object_mask) hwd_orientation = imed_loader_utils.orient_img_hwd(ras_orientation.get_fdata(), slice_axis) bounding_boxes = get_bounding_boxes(hwd_orientation) bounding_box_dict[subject_path] = [adjust_bb_size(bb, safety_factor) for bb in bounding_boxes] file_path = Path(path_output, 'bounding_boxes.json') with"w") as fp: json.dump(bounding_box_dict, fp, indent=4) return bounding_box_dict
[docs] def resample_bounding_box(metadata, transform): """Resample bounding box. Args: metadata (dict): Dictionary containing the metadata to be modified with the resampled coordinates. transform (Compose): Transformations possibly containing the resample params. """ for idx, transfo in enumerate(transform.transform["im"].transforms): if "Resample" == transfo.__class__.__name__: hspace, wspace, dspace = (transfo.hspace, transfo.wspace, transfo.dspace) hfactor = metadata[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][0][MetadataKW.ZOOMS][0] / hspace wfactor = metadata[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][0][MetadataKW.ZOOMS][1] / wspace dfactor = metadata[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][0][MetadataKW.ZOOMS][2] / dspace factor = (hfactor, wfactor, dfactor) coord = adjust_bb_size(metadata[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][0][MetadataKW.BOUNDING_BOX], factor, resample=True) for i in range(len(metadata[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA])): metadata[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][i][MetadataKW.BOUNDING_BOX] = coord for i in range(len(metadata[MetadataKW.GT_METADATA])): metadata[MetadataKW.GT_METADATA][i][MetadataKW.BOUNDING_BOX] = coord break
[docs] def adjust_transforms(transforms, seg_pair, length=None, stride=None): """This function adapts the transforms by adding the BoundingBoxCrop transform according the specific parameters of an image. The dimensions of the crop are also adapted to fit the length and stride parameters if the 3D loader is used. Args: transforms (Compose): Prepreocessing transforms. seg_pair (dict): Segmentation pair (input, gt and metadata). length (list or tuple): Patch size of the 3D loader. stride (list or tuple): Stride value of the 3D loader. Returns: Compose: Modified transforms. """ resample_idx = [-1, -1, -1] if transforms is None: transforms = imed_transforms.Compose({}) for i, img_type in enumerate(transforms.transform): for idx, transfo in enumerate(transforms.transform[img_type].transforms): if "BoundingBoxCrop" == transfo.__class__.__name__: transforms.transform[img_type].transforms.pop(idx) if "Resample" == transfo.__class__.__name__: resample_idx[i] = idx resample_bounding_box(seg_pair, transforms) index_shape = [] for i, img_type in enumerate(transforms.transform): x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max = seg_pair['input_metadata'][0]['bounding_box'] size = [x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min, z_max - z_min] if length is not None and stride is not None: for idx, dim in enumerate(size): if dim < length[idx]: size[idx] = length[idx] # Adjust size according to stride to avoid dimension mismatch size = resize_to_multiple(size, stride, length) index_shape.append(tuple(size)) transform_obj = imed_transforms.BoundingBoxCrop(size=size) transforms.transform[img_type].transforms.insert(resample_idx[i] + 1, transform_obj) for metadata in seg_pair['input_metadata']: assert len(set(index_shape)) == 1 metadata[MetadataKW.INDEX_SHAPE] = index_shape[0] return transforms
[docs] def adjust_undo_transforms(transforms, seg_pair, index=0): """This function adapts the undo transforms by adding the BoundingBoxCrop to undo transform according the specific parameters of an image. Args: transforms (Compose): Transforms. seg_pair (dict): Segmentation pair (input, gt and metadata). index (int): Batch index of the seg_pair. """ for img_type in transforms.transform: resample_idx = -1 for idx, transfo in enumerate(transforms.transform[img_type].transforms): if "Resample" == transfo.__class__.__name__: resample_idx = idx if "BoundingBoxCrop" == transfo.__class__.__name__: transforms.transform[img_type].transforms.pop(idx) if "bounding_box" in seg_pair['input_metadata'][index][0]: size = list(seg_pair['input_metadata'][index][0]['index_shape']) transform_obj = imed_transforms.BoundingBoxCrop(size=size) transforms.transform[img_type].transforms.insert(resample_idx + 1, transform_obj)
[docs] def load_bounding_boxes(object_detection_params, subject_path_list, slice_axis, constrast_lst): """Verifies if bounding_box.json exists in the output path, if so loads the data, else generates the file if a valid detection model path exists. Args: object_detection_params (dict): Object detection parameters. subject_path_list (list): List of all subjects in all the BIDS directories. slice_axis (int): Slice axis (0: sagittal, 1: coronal, 2: axial). constrast_lst (list): Contrasts. Returns: dict: bounding boxes for every subject in BIDS directory """ # Load or generate bounding boxes and save them in json file bounding_box_dict = {} if object_detection_params is None or object_detection_params[ObjectDetectionParamsKW.OBJECT_DETECTION_PATH] is None: return bounding_box_dict bounding_box_path = Path(object_detection_params.get(ObjectDetectionParamsKW.PATH_OUTPUT), 'bounding_boxes.json') if bounding_box_path.exists(): with'r') as fp: bounding_box_dict = json.load(fp) elif object_detection_params[ObjectDetectionParamsKW.OBJECT_DETECTION_PATH] is not None and \ Path(object_detection_params.get(ObjectDetectionParamsKW.OBJECT_DETECTION_PATH)).exists(): bounding_box_dict = generate_bounding_box_file(subject_path_list, object_detection_params[ObjectDetectionParamsKW.OBJECT_DETECTION_PATH], object_detection_params[ObjectDetectionParamsKW.PATH_OUTPUT], object_detection_params[ObjectDetectionParamsKW.GPU_IDS], slice_axis, constrast_lst, safety_factor=object_detection_params[ObjectDetectionParamsKW.SAFETY_FACTOR]) elif object_detection_params[ObjectDetectionParamsKW.OBJECT_DETECTION_PATH] is not None: raise RuntimeError("Path to object detection model doesn't exist") return bounding_box_dict
[docs] def verify_metadata(metadata, has_bounding_box): """Validates across all metadata that the 'bounding_box' param is present. Args: metadata (dict): Image metadata. has_bounding_box (bool): If 'bounding_box' is present across all metadata, True, else False. Returns: bool: Boolean indicating if 'bounding_box' is present across all metadata. """ index_has_bounding_box = all([MetadataKW.BOUNDING_BOX in metadata[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][i] for i in range(len(metadata[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA]))]) for gt_metadata in metadata[MetadataKW.GT_METADATA]: if gt_metadata is not None: index_has_bounding_box &= MetadataKW.BOUNDING_BOX in gt_metadata has_bounding_box &= index_has_bounding_box return has_bounding_box
[docs] def bounding_box_prior(fname_mask, metadata, slice_axis, safety_factor=None): """ Computes prior steps to a model requiring bounding box crop. This includes loading a mask of the ROI, orienting the given mask into the following dimensions: (height, width, depth), extracting the bounding boxes and storing the information in the metadata. Args: fname_mask (str): Filename containing the mask of the ROI metadata (dict): Dictionary containing the image metadata slice_axis (int): Slice axis (0: sagittal, 1: coronal, 2: axial) safety_factor (list or tuple): Factors to multiply each dimension of the bounding box. """ nib_prior = nib.load(fname_mask) # orient image into HWD convention nib_ras = nib.as_closest_canonical(nib_prior) np_mask = nib_ras.get_fdata()[..., 0] if len(nib_ras.get_fdata().shape) == 4 else nib_ras.get_fdata() np_mask = imed_loader_utils.orient_img_hwd(np_mask, slice_axis) # Extract the bounding box from the list bounding_box = get_bounding_boxes(np_mask)[0] if safety_factor: bounding_box = adjust_bb_size(bounding_box, safety_factor) metadata[MetadataKW.BOUNDING_BOX] = bounding_box
[docs] def compute_bb_statistics(bounding_box_path): """Measures min, max and average, height, width, depth and volume of bounding boxes from a json file Args: bounding_box_path (string): Path to json file. """ with Path(bounding_box_path).open(mode='r') as fp: bounding_box_dict = json.load(fp) h, w, d, v = [], [], [], [] for box in bounding_box_dict: x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max = bounding_box_dict[box] h.append(x_max - x_min) w.append(y_max - y_min) d.append(z_max - z_min) v.append((x_max - x_min) * (y_max - y_min) * (z_max - z_min))'Mean height: {} +/- {}, min: {}, max: {}'.format(statistics.mean(h), statistics.stdev(h), min(h), max(h)))'Mean width: {} +/- {}, min: {}, max: {}'.format(statistics.mean(w), statistics.stdev(w), min(w), max(w)))'Mean depth: {} +/- {}, min: {}, max: {}'.format(statistics.mean(d), statistics.stdev(d), min(d), max(d)))'Mean volume: {} +/- {}, min: {}, max: {}'.format(statistics.mean(v), statistics.stdev(v), min(v), max(v)))