Source code for ivadomed.utils

import os
import sys
import subprocess
import hashlib
import datetime
import platform

import numpy as np
import wandb
from enum import Enum
from loguru import logger
from pathlib import Path
from ivadomed.keywords import ConfigKW, LoaderParamsKW, WandbKW
from typing import List
from difflib import SequenceMatcher

AXIS_DCT = {'sagittal': 0, 'coronal': 1, 'axial': 2}

# List of classification models (ie not segmentation output)
CLASSIFIER_LIST = ['resnet18', 'densenet121']

[docs] class Metavar(Enum): """This class is used to display intuitive input types via the metavar field of argparse.""" file = "<file>" str = "<str>" folder = "<folder>" int = "<int>" list = "<list>" float = "<float>" def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs] def initialize_wandb(wandb_params): """Initializes WandB and based upon the parameters sets it up or disables it for experimental tracking Args: wandb_params (dict): wandb parameters Returns: bool, wandb_tracking: True if wandb tracking is enabled """ try: # raise an error if the key is empty if not bool(wandb_params[WandbKW.WANDB_API_KEY].strip()): raise ValueError() # Log on to WandB (assuming that the API Key is correct) # if not, login would raise an exception for the cases invalid API key and not found wandb.login(key=wandb_params[WandbKW.WANDB_API_KEY], anonymous='allow', timeout=60) except Exception as e: # log error mssg for unsuccessful wandb authentication if wandb_params is not None:"Incorrect WandB API Key! Please re-check the entered API key.")"Disabling WandB Tracking, continuing with Tensorboard Logging") else:"No WandB parameters found! Continuing with Tensorboard Logging") # set flag wandb_tracking = False else: # setting flag after successful authentication"WandB API Authentication Successful!") wandb_tracking = True return wandb_tracking
def get_task(model_name): return "classification" if model_name in CLASSIFIER_LIST else "segmentation"
[docs] def cuda(input_var, cuda_available=True, non_blocking=False): """Passes input_var to GPU. Args: input_var (Tensor): either a tensor or a list of tensors. cuda_available (bool): If False, then return identity non_blocking (bool): Returns: Tensor """ if cuda_available: if isinstance(input_var, list): return [t.cuda(non_blocking=non_blocking) for t in input_var] else: return input_var.cuda(non_blocking=non_blocking) else: return input_var
[docs] def unstack_tensors(sample): """Unstack tensors. Args: sample (Tensor): Returns: list: list of Tensors. """ list_tensor = [] for i in range(sample.shape[1]): list_tensor.append(sample[:, i, ].unsqueeze(1)) return list_tensor
[docs] def generate_sha_256(context: dict, df, file_lst: List[str]) -> None: """generate sha256 for a training file Args: context (dict): configuration context. df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe containing all BIDS image files indexed and their metadata. file_lst (List[str]): list of strings containing training files """ from pandas import DataFrame assert isinstance(df, DataFrame) # generating sha256 for list of data context[ConfigKW.TRAINING_SHA256] = {} # file_list is a list of filename strings for file in file_lst: # bids_df is a dataframe with column values path...filename... # so df_sub is the row with matching filename=file df_sub = df.loc[df['filename'] == file] file_path = df_sub['path'].values[0] sha256_hash = hashlib.sha256() with open(file_path, "rb") as f: for byte_block in iter(lambda:, b""): sha256_hash.update(byte_block) context[ConfigKW.TRAINING_SHA256][file] = sha256_hash.hexdigest()
[docs] def save_onnx_model(model, inputs, model_path): """Convert PyTorch model to ONNX model and save it as `model_path`. Args: model (nn.Module): PyTorch model. inputs (Tensor): Tensor, used to inform shape and axes. model_path (str): Output filename for the ONNX model. """ import torch model.eval() dynamic_axes = {0: 'batch', 1: 'num_channels', 2: 'height', 3: 'width', 4: 'depth'} if len(inputs.shape) == 4: del dynamic_axes[4] torch.onnx.export(model, inputs, model_path, opset_version=11, input_names=['input'], output_names=['output'], dynamic_axes={'input': dynamic_axes, 'output': dynamic_axes})
[docs] def define_device(gpu_id): """Define the device used for the process of interest. Args: gpu_id (int): GPU ID. Returns: Bool, device: True if cuda is available. """ import torch device = torch.device("cuda:" + str(gpu_id) if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") cuda_available = torch.cuda.is_available() if not cuda_available:"Cuda is not available.")"Working on {}.".format(device)) if cuda_available: # Set the GPU gpu_id = int(gpu_id) torch.cuda.set_device(gpu_id)"Using GPU ID {gpu_id}") return cuda_available, device
[docs] def display_selected_model_spec(params): """Display in terminal the selected model and its parameters. Args: params (dict): Keys are param names and values are param values. """'Selected architecture: {}, with the following parameters:'.format(params["name"])) for k in list(params.keys()): if k != "name":'\t{}: {}'.format(k, params[k]))
[docs] def display_selected_transfoms(params, dataset_type): """Display in terminal the selected transforms for a given dataset. Args: params (dict): dataset_type (list): e.g. ['testing'] or ['training', 'validation'] """'Selected transformations for the {} dataset:'.format(dataset_type)) for k in list(params.keys()):'\t{}: {}'.format(k, params[k]))
[docs] def plot_transformed_sample(before, after, list_title=None, fname_out="", cmap="jet"): """Utils tool to plot sample before and after transform, for debugging. Args: before (ndarray): Sample before transform. after (ndarray): Sample after transform. list_title (list of str): Sub titles of before and after, resp. fname_out (str): Output filename where the plot is saved if provided. cmap (str): Matplotlib colour map. """ import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if list_title is None: list_title = [] if len(list_title) == 0: list_title = ['Sample before transform', 'Sample after transform'] plt.interactive(False) plt.rcParams.update({'figure.max_open_warning': 0}) plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.axis("off") plt.imshow(before, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) plt.title(list_title[0], fontsize=20) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.axis("off") plt.imshow(after, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) plt.title(list_title[1], fontsize=20) if fname_out: plt.savefig(fname_out) else:
def _git_info(commit_env='IVADOMED_COMMIT', branch_env='IVADOMED_BRANCH'): """Get ivadomed version info from GIT. This functions retrieves the ivadomed version, commit, branch and installation type. Args: commit_env (str): branch_env (str): Returns: str, str, str, str: installation type, commit, branch, version. """ ivadomed_commit = os.getenv(commit_env, "unknown") ivadomed_branch = os.getenv(branch_env, "unknown") if check_exe("git") and Path(__ivadomed_dir__, ".git").is_dir(): ivadomed_commit = __get_commit() or ivadomed_commit ivadomed_branch = __get_branch() or ivadomed_branch if ivadomed_commit != 'unknown': install_type = 'git' else: install_type = 'package' path_version = Path(__ivadomed_dir__, 'ivadomed', 'version.txt') with as f: version_ivadomed = return install_type, ivadomed_commit, ivadomed_branch, version_ivadomed
[docs] def check_exe(name): """Ensure that a program exists. Args: name (str): Name or path to program. Returns: str or None: path of the program or None """ def is_exe(fpath): return Path(fpath).is_file() and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) fpath = Path(name).parent if fpath and is_exe(name): return fpath else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): path = path.strip('"') exe_file = str(Path(path, name)) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None
[docs] class ArgParseException(Exception): pass
[docs] def get_arguments(parser, args): """Get arguments from function input or command line. Arguments: parser (argparse.ArgumentParser): ArgumentParser object args (list): either a list of arguments or None. The list should be formatted like this: ["-d", "SOME_ARG", "--model", "SOME_ARG"] """ try: args = parser.parse_args(args) except SystemExit as e: if e.code != 0: # Calling `--help` raises SystemExit with 0 exit code (i.e. not an ArgParseException) raise ArgParseException('Error parsing args') else: sys.exit(0) return args
def __get_commit(path_to_git_folder=None): """Get GIT ivadomed commit. Args: path_to_git_folder (str): Path to GIT folder. Returns: str: git commit ID, with trailing '*' if modified. """ if path_to_git_folder is None: path_to_git_folder = __ivadomed_dir__ else: path_to_git_folder = Path(path_to_git_folder).expanduser().absolute() p = subprocess.Popen(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=path_to_git_folder) output, _ = p.communicate() status = p.returncode if status == 0: commit = output.decode().strip() else: commit = "?!?" p = subprocess.Popen(["git", "status", "--porcelain"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=path_to_git_folder) output, _ = p.communicate() status = p.returncode if status == 0: unclean = True for line in output.decode().strip().splitlines(): line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith("??"): # ignore ignored files, they can't hurt continue break else: unclean = False if unclean: commit += "*" return commit def __get_branch(): """Get ivadomed branch. Args: Returns: str: ivadomed branch. """ p = subprocess.Popen(["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=__ivadomed_dir__) output, _ = p.communicate() status = p.returncode if status == 0: return output.decode().strip() def _version_string(): install_type, ivadomed_commit, ivadomed_branch, version_ivadomed = _git_info() if install_type == "package": return version_ivadomed else: return "{install_type}-{ivadomed_branch}-{ivadomed_commit}".format(**locals()) __ivadomed_dir__ = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent __version__ = _version_string() def get_command(args, context): if args.train: return "train" elif args.test: return "test" elif args.segment: return "segment" else: "No CLI argument given for command: ( --train | --test | --segment ). Will check config file for command...") try: if context[ConfigKW.COMMAND] == "train" or context[ConfigKW.COMMAND] == "test" or context[ ConfigKW.COMMAND] == "segment": return context[ConfigKW.COMMAND] else: logger.error("Specified invalid command argument in config file.") except AttributeError: logger.error("Have not specified a command argument via CLI nor config file.") def get_path_output(args, context): if args.path_output: return args.path_output else: "CLI flag --path-output not used to specify output directory. Will check config file for directory...") try: if context[ConfigKW.PATH_OUTPUT]: return context[ConfigKW.PATH_OUTPUT] except AttributeError: logger.error("Have not specified a path-output argument via CLI nor config file.") def get_path_data(args, context): if args.path_data: return args.path_data else: "CLI flag --path-data not used to specify BIDS data directory. Will check config file for directory...") try: if context[ConfigKW.LOADER_PARAMETERS][LoaderParamsKW.PATH_DATA]: return context[ConfigKW.LOADER_PARAMETERS][LoaderParamsKW.PATH_DATA] except AttributeError: logger.error("Have not specified a path-data argument via CLI nor config file.")
[docs] def format_path_data(path_data): """ Args: path_data (list or str): Either a list of paths, or just one path. Returns: list: A list of paths """ assert isinstance(path_data, str) or isinstance(path_data, list) if isinstance(path_data, str): path_data = [path_data] return path_data
[docs] def similarity_score(a: str, b: str) -> float: """ use DiffLIb SequenceMatcher to resolve the similarity between text. Help make better choice in terms of derivatives. Args: a: a string b: another string Returns: a score indicative of the similarity between the sequence. """ return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio()
[docs] def init_ivadomed(): """Initialize the ivadomed for typical terminal usage.""" # Display ivadomed version'\nivadomed ({})\n'.format(__version__))
def print_stats(arr):"\tMean: {np.mean(arr)} %")"\tMedian: {np.median(arr)} %")"\tInter-quartile range: [{np.percentile(arr, 25)}, {np.percentile(arr, 75)}] %")
[docs] def get_timestamp() -> str: """ Return a datetime string in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHHMMSS.(sub-precision) Returns: """ timestamp =":", "") return timestamp
[docs] def get_system_memory() -> float: """ Return the system memory in GB. Returns: """ current_platform = platform.system() if current_platform == "Linux": return get_linux_system_memory() elif current_platform == "Windows": return get_win_system_memory() elif current_platform == "Darwin": return get_mac_system_memory()
[docs] def get_win_system_memory() -> float: """ Obtain the amount of memory available on Windows system. Returns: memory in GB Source: """ process = os.popen('wmic memorychip get capacity') result = process.close() totalMem = 0 for m in result.split(" \n\n")[1:-1]: totalMem += int(m) return totalMem / (1024 ** 3)
[docs] def get_linux_system_memory() -> float: """ Obtain the amount of memory available on Linux system. Returns: memory in GB Source: """ import os mem_bytes = os.sysconf('SC_PAGE_SIZE') * os.sysconf('SC_PHYS_PAGES') # e.g. 4015976448 mem_gib = mem_bytes / (1024. ** 3) # e.g. 3.74 return mem_gib
[docs] def get_mac_system_memory() -> float: """ Obtain the amount of memory available on MacOS system. Returns: memory in GB Source: """ import subprocess import re # Get process info ps = subprocess.Popen(['ps', '-caxm', '-orss,comm'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].decode() # Iterate processes processLines = ps.split('\n') sep = re.compile('[\s]+') rssTotal = 0 # kB for row in range(1, len(processLines)): rowText = processLines[row].strip() rowElements = sep.split(rowText) try: rss = float(rowElements[0]) * 1024 except: rss = 0 # ignore... rssTotal += rss return rssTotal / 1024 ** 3