Source code for ivadomed.inference

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime
import torch
import imageio
import joblib
from typing import List
from pathlib import Path

from loguru import logger
from import Dataset
from import DataLoader
from torch import tensor

from ivadomed.loader.mri3d_subvolume_segmentation_dataset import MRI3DSubVolumeSegmentationDataset
from ivadomed.loader.mri2d_segmentation_dataset import MRI2DSegmentationDataset
from ivadomed.transforms import UndoCompose
from ivadomed import config_manager as imed_config_manager
from ivadomed import models as imed_models
from ivadomed import postprocessing as imed_postpro
from ivadomed import transforms as imed_transforms
from ivadomed.loader import utils as imed_loader_utils, film as imed_film
from ivadomed.loader.slice_filter import SliceFilter
from ivadomed.object_detection import utils as imed_obj_detect
from ivadomed import utils as imed_utils
from ivadomed import training as imed_training
from ivadomed.keywords import ConfigKW, ModelParamsKW, ObjectDetectionParamsKW, TransformationKW, LoaderParamsKW, \
    ROIParamsKW, SliceFilterParamsKW, TrainingParamsKW, MetadataKW, OptionKW

[docs] def onnx_inference(model_path: str, inputs: tensor) -> tensor: """Run ONNX inference Args: model_path (str): Path to the ONNX model. inputs (Tensor): Batch of input image. Returns: Tensor: Network output. """ inputs = np.array(inputs.cpu()) ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(model_path) ort_inputs = {ort_session.get_inputs()[0].name: inputs} ort_outs =, ort_inputs) return torch.tensor(ort_outs[0])
[docs] def get_preds(context: dict, fname_model: str, model_params: dict, cuda_available: bool, device: torch.device, batch: dict) -> tensor: """Returns the predictions from the given model. Args: context (dict): configuration dict. fname_model (str): name of file containing model. model_params (dict): dictionary containing model parameters. cuda_available (bool): True if cuda is available. device (torch.device): Device used for prediction. batch (dict): dictionary containing input, gt and metadata Returns: tensor: predictions from the model. """ with torch.no_grad(): # Load the Input img = imed_utils.cuda(batch['input'], cuda_available=cuda_available) # Load the PyTorch model and evaluate if model files exist. if fname_model.lower().endswith('.pt'): logger.debug(f"PyTorch model detected at: {fname_model}") logger.debug(f"Loading model from: {fname_model}") model = torch.load(fname_model, map_location=device) # Inference time logger.debug(f"Evaluating model: {fname_model}") model.eval() # Films/Hemis based prediction require meta data load if (ConfigKW.FILMED_UNET in context and context[ConfigKW.FILMED_UNET].get(ModelParamsKW.APPLIED)) or \ (ConfigKW.HEMIS_UNET in context and context[ConfigKW.HEMIS_UNET].get(ModelParamsKW.APPLIED)): # Load meta data before prediction metadata = imed_training.get_metadata(batch[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA], model_params) preds = model(img, metadata) else: preds = model(img) # Otherwise, Onnex Inference (PyTorch can't load .onnx) else: logger.debug(f"Likely ONNX model detected at: {fname_model}") logger.debug(f"Conduct ONNX model inference... ") preds = onnx_inference(fname_model, img) logger.debug("Sending predictions to CPU") # Move prediction to CPU preds = preds.cpu() return preds
[docs] def get_onehotencoder(context: dict, folder_model: str, options: dict, ds: Dataset) -> dict: """Returns one hot encoder which is needed to update the model parameters when FiLMedUnet is applied. Args: context (dict): Configuration dict. folder_model (str): Foldername which contains trained model and its configuration file. options (dict): Contains film metadata information. ds (Dataset): Dataset used for the segmentation. Returns: dict: onehotencoder used in the model params. """ metadata_dict = joblib.load(Path(folder_model, 'metadata_dict.joblib')) for idx in ds.indexes: for i in range(len(idx)): idx[i][MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][0][context[ConfigKW.FILMED_UNET][ModelParamsKW.METADATA]] = options.get(OptionKW.METADATA) idx[i][MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][0][MetadataKW.METADATA_DICT] = metadata_dict if ConfigKW.DEBUGGING in context and ConfigKW.FILMED_UNET in context and \ context[ConfigKW.FILMED_UNET].get(ModelParamsKW.METADATA): ds = imed_film.normalize_metadata( ds, None, context[ConfigKW.DEBUGGING], context[ConfigKW.FILMED_UNET][ModelParamsKW.METADATA]) return joblib.load(Path(folder_model, 'one_hot_encoder.joblib'))
[docs] def pred_to_nib(data_lst: List[np.ndarray], z_lst: List[int], fname_ref: str, fname_out: str, slice_axis: int, debug: bool = False, kernel_dim: str='2d', bin_thr: float=0.5, discard_noise: bool = True, postprocessing: dict = None) -> nib.Nifti1Image: """Save the network predictions as nibabel object. Based on the header of `fname_ref` image, it creates a nibabel object from the Network predictions (`data_lst`). Args: data_lst (list of np arrays): Predictions, either 2D slices either 3D patches. z_lst (list of ints): Slice indexes to reconstruct a 3D volume for 2D slices. fname_ref (str): Filename of the input image: its header is copied to the output nibabel object. fname_out (str): If not None, then the generated nibabel object is saved with this filename. slice_axis (int): Indicates the axis used for the 2D slice extraction: Sagittal: 0, Coronal: 1, Axial: 2. debug (bool): If True, extended verbosity and intermediate outputs. kernel_dim (str): Indicates whether the predictions were done on 2D or 3D patches. Choices: '2d', '3d'. bin_thr (float): If positive, then the segmentation is binarized with this given threshold. Otherwise, a soft segmentation is output. discard_noise (bool): If True, predictions that are lower than 0.01 are set to zero. postprocessing (dict): Contains postprocessing steps to be applied. Returns: nibabel.Nifti1Image: NiBabel object containing the Network prediction. """ # Check fname_ref extention and update path if not NifTI fname_ref = imed_loader_utils.update_filename_to_nifti(fname_ref) # Load reference nibabel object nib_ref = nib.load(fname_ref) nib_ref_can = nib.as_closest_canonical(nib_ref) if kernel_dim == '2d': # complete missing z with zeros tmp_lst = [] for z in range(nib_ref_can.header.get_data_shape()[slice_axis]): if z not in z_lst: tmp_lst.append(np.zeros(data_lst[0].shape)) else: tmp_lst.append(data_lst[z_lst.index(z)]) if debug: logger.debug(f"Len {len(tmp_lst)}") for arr in tmp_lst: logger.debug(f"Shape element lst {arr.shape}") # create data and stack on depth dimension arr_pred_ref_space = np.stack(tmp_lst, axis=-1) else: arr_pred_ref_space = data_lst[0] n_channel = arr_pred_ref_space.shape[0] oriented_volumes = [] if len(arr_pred_ref_space.shape) == 4: for i in range(n_channel): oriented_volumes.append( imed_loader_utils.reorient_image(arr_pred_ref_space[i, ], slice_axis, nib_ref, nib_ref_can)) # transpose to locate the channel dimension at the end to properly see image on viewer arr_pred_ref_space = np.asarray(oriented_volumes).transpose((1, 2, 3, 0)) else: arr_pred_ref_space = imed_loader_utils.reorient_image(arr_pred_ref_space, slice_axis, nib_ref, nib_ref_can) if bin_thr >= 0: arr_pred_ref_space = imed_postpro.threshold_predictions(arr_pred_ref_space, thr=bin_thr) elif discard_noise: # discard noise arr_pred_ref_space[arr_pred_ref_space <= 1e-2] = 0 # create nibabel object if postprocessing: fname_prefix = fname_out.split("_pred.nii.gz")[0] if fname_out is not None else None postpro = imed_postpro.Postprocessing(postprocessing, arr_pred_ref_space, nib_ref.header['pixdim'][1:4], fname_prefix) arr_pred_ref_space = postpro.apply() # Here we prefer to copy the header (rather than just the affine matrix), in order to preserve the qform_code. # See: nib_pred = nib.Nifti1Image( dataobj=arr_pred_ref_space, affine=nib_ref.header.get_best_affine(), header=nib_ref.header.copy() ) # save as NifTI file if fname_out is not None:, fname_out) return nib_pred
[docs] def pred_to_png(pred_list: list, target_list: list, subj_path: str, suffix: str = '', max_value: int = 1): """Save the network predictions as PNG files with suffix "_target_pred". Args: pred_list (list of np arrays): list of 2D predictions. target_list (list of str): list of target suffixes. subj_path (str): Path of the subject filename in output folder without extension (e.g. "path_output/pred_masks/sub-01_sample-01_SEM"). suffix (str): additional suffix to append to the filename (e.g. "_pred.png") max_value (int): Maximum mask value of the float mask to use during the conversion to uint8. """ for pred, target in zip(pred_list, target_list): filename = subj_path + target + suffix data = pred.get_fdata() _img = (data*255/max_value).astype(np.uint8).squeeze() imageio.v3.imwrite(filename, _img, extension='.png')
[docs] def process_transformations(context: dict, fname_roi: str, fname_prior: str, metadata: dict, slice_axis: int, fname_images: list) -> dict: """Sets the transformation based on context parameters. When ROI is not provided center-cropping is applied. If there is an object_detection_path, then we modify the metadata to store transformation data. Args: context (dict): configuration dictionary. fname_roi (str): filename containing region for cropping image prior to segmentation. fname_prior (str): prior image filename. metadata (dict): metadata used in setting bounding box when we have object_detection_params. slice_axis (int): Indicates the axis used for the 2D slice extraction: Sagittal: 0, Coronal: 1, Axial: 2. fname_images (list): list of image filenames (e.g. .nii.gz) to segment. Returns: dict: metadata. """ if fname_roi is None and TransformationKW.ROICROP in context[ConfigKW.TRANSFORMATION].keys(): logger.warning( "fname_roi has not been specified, then a cropping around the center of the image is " "performed instead of a cropping around a Region of Interest.") # Convert transformation configuration into dict. for (key, value) in context[ConfigKW.TRANSFORMATION].items(): if key != TransformationKW.ROICROP: context[ConfigKW.TRANSFORMATION] = dict(key, value) else: context[ConfigKW.TRANSFORMATION] = dict(TransformationKW.CENTERCROP, value) if ConfigKW.OBJECT_DETECTION_PARAMS in context and \ context[ConfigKW.OBJECT_DETECTION_PARAMS][ObjectDetectionParamsKW.OBJECT_DETECTION_PATH] is not None: imed_obj_detect.bounding_box_prior(fname_prior, metadata, slice_axis, context[ConfigKW.OBJECT_DETECTION_PARAMS][ObjectDetectionParamsKW.SAFETY_FACTOR]) metadata = [metadata] * len(fname_images) return metadata
[docs] def set_option(options: dict, postpro: dict, context: dict, key: str): """Generalized function that sets postprocessing option based on given list of options. When given key already exists in options, we initialize the key value for the postprocessing dictionary Otherwise, when the key is already found in the postprocessing attritute of the context, we remove it Args: options (dict): Contains postprocessing steps information. postpro (dict): Postprocessing settings. context (dict): Configuration dict. key (str): The key of the postprocessing option we wish to set. Returns: dict: postprocessing settings. """ if options[key]: postpro[key] = {} # Remove key in context if value set to 0 elif key in context[ConfigKW.POSTPROCESSING]: del context[ConfigKW.POSTPROCESSING][key]
[docs] def set_postprocessing_options(options: dict, context: dict): """Updates the postprocessing options based on existing settings found in options. Args: options (dict): Contains postprocessing steps information. context (dict): Configuration dict. """ postpro = {} if OptionKW.BINARIZE_PREDICTION in options and options[OptionKW.BINARIZE_PREDICTION] is not None: postpro[OptionKW.BINARIZE_PREDICTION] = {"thr": options[OptionKW.BINARIZE_PREDICTION]} if OptionKW.BINARIZE_MAXPOOLING in options and options.get(OptionKW.BINARIZE_MAXPOOLING) is not None: set_option(options, postpro, context, OptionKW.BINARIZE_MAXPOOLING) if OptionKW.KEEP_LARGEST in options and options.get(OptionKW.KEEP_LARGEST) is not None: set_option(options, postpro, context, OptionKW.KEEP_LARGEST) if OptionKW.FILL_HOLES in options and options.get(OptionKW.FILL_HOLES) is not None: set_option(options, postpro, context, OptionKW.FILL_HOLES) if OptionKW.REMOVE_SMALL in options and options.get(OptionKW.REMOVE_SMALL) and \ ('mm' in options[OptionKW.REMOVE_SMALL][-1] or 'vox' in options[OptionKW.REMOVE_SMALL][-1]): unit = 'mm3' if 'mm3' in options[OptionKW.REMOVE_SMALL][-1] else 'vox' thr = [int(t.replace(unit, "")) for t in options[OptionKW.REMOVE_SMALL]] postpro[OptionKW.REMOVE_SMALL] = {"unit": unit, "thr": thr} context[ConfigKW.POSTPROCESSING].update(postpro)
[docs] def segment_volume(folder_model: str, fname_images: list, gpu_id: int = 0, options: dict = None): """Segment an image. Segment an image (`fname_image`) using a pre-trained model (`folder_model`). If provided, a region of interest (`fname_roi`) is used to crop the image prior to segment it. Args: folder_model (str): foldername which contains (1) the model ('folder_model/') to use (2) its configuration file ('folder_model/folder_model.json') used for the training, see fname_images (list): list of image filenames (e.g. .nii.gz) to segment. Multichannel models require multiple images to segment, e.i., len(fname_images) > 1. gpu_id (int): Number representing gpu number if available. Currently does NOT support multiple GPU segmentation. options (dict): This can optionally contain any of the following key-value pairs: * 'binarize_prediction': (float) Binarize segmentation with specified threshold. \ Predictions below the threshold become 0, and predictions above or equal to \ threshold become 1. Set to -1 for no thresholding (i.e., soft segmentation). * 'binarize_maxpooling': (bool) Binarize by setting to 1 the voxel having the maximum prediction across \ all classes. Useful for multiclass models. * 'fill_holes': (bool) Fill small holes in the segmentation. * 'keep_largest': (bool) Keep the largest connected-object for each class from the output segmentation. * 'remove_small': (list of str) Minimal object size to keep with unit (mm3 or vox). A single value can be provided \ or one value per prediction class. Single value example: ["1mm3"], ["5vox"]. Multiple values \ example: ["10", "20", "10vox"] (remove objects smaller than 10 voxels for class 1 and 3, \ and smaller than 20 voxels for class 2). * 'pixel_size': (list of float) List of microscopy pixel size in micrometers. \ Length equals 2 [PixelSizeX, PixelSizeY] for 2D or 3 [PixelSizeX, PixelSizeY, PixelSizeZ] for 3D, \ where X is the width, Y the height and Z the depth of the image. * 'pixel_size_units': (str) Units of pixel size (Must be either "mm", "um" or "nm") * 'no_patch': (bool) 2D patches are not used while segmenting with models trained with patches. \ The "no_patch" option supersedes the "overlap_2D" option. \ This option may not be suitable with large images depending on computer RAM capacity. * 'overlap_2D': (list of int) List of overlaps in pixels for 2D patching. Length equals 2 [OverlapX, OverlapY], \ where X is the width and Y the height of the image. * 'metadata': (str) Film metadata. * 'fname_prior': (str) An image filename (e.g., .nii.gz) containing processing information \ (e.g., spinal cord segmentation, spinal location or MS lesion classification, spinal cord centerline), \ used to crop the image prior to segment it if provided. \ The segmentation is not performed on the slices that are empty in this image. Returns: list, list: List of nibabel objects containing the soft segmentation(s), one per prediction class, \ List of target suffix associated with each prediction in `pred_list` """ # Define device cuda_available, device = imed_utils.define_device(gpu_id) # Check if model folder exists and get filenames to be stored as string fname_model: str fname_model_metadata: str fname_model, fname_model_metadata = imed_models.get_model_filenames(folder_model) # Load model training config context = imed_config_manager.ConfigurationManager(fname_model_metadata).get_config() postpro_list = ['binarize_prediction', 'binarize_maxpooling', 'keep_largest', ' fill_holes', 'remove_small'] if options is not None and any(pp in options for pp in postpro_list): set_postprocessing_options(options, context) # LOADER loader_params = context[ConfigKW.LOADER_PARAMETERS] slice_axis = imed_utils.AXIS_DCT[loader_params[LoaderParamsKW.SLICE_AXIS]] metadata = {} fname_roi = None if (options is not None) and (OptionKW.FNAME_PRIOR in options): fname_prior = options.get(OptionKW.FNAME_PRIOR) else: fname_prior = None if fname_prior is not None: if LoaderParamsKW.ROI_PARAMS in loader_params and loader_params[LoaderParamsKW.ROI_PARAMS][ROIParamsKW.SUFFIX] is not None: fname_roi = fname_prior # TRANSFORMATIONS metadata = process_transformations(context, fname_roi, fname_prior, metadata, slice_axis, fname_images) # Compose transforms _, _, transform_test_params = imed_transforms.get_subdatasets_transforms(context[ConfigKW.TRANSFORMATION]) tranform_lst, undo_transforms = imed_transforms.prepare_transforms(transform_test_params) # Force filter_empty_mask to False if fname_roi = None if fname_roi is None and SliceFilterParamsKW.FILTER_EMPTY_MASK in loader_params[LoaderParamsKW.SLICE_FILTER_PARAMS]: logger.warning("fname_roi has not been specified, then the entire volume is processed.") loader_params[LoaderParamsKW.SLICE_FILTER_PARAMS][SliceFilterParamsKW.FILTER_EMPTY_MASK] = False kernel_3D = bool(ConfigKW.MODIFIED_3D_UNET in context and context[ConfigKW.MODIFIED_3D_UNET][ModelParamsKW.APPLIED]) or \ not context[ConfigKW.DEFAULT_MODEL][ModelParamsKW.IS_2D] if (options is not None) and (OptionKW.NO_PATCH in options) and kernel_3D: logger.warning(f"The 'no-patch' option is provided but is not available for 3D models. " f"'no-patch' is ignored.") if (options is not None) and (OptionKW.OVERLAP_2D in options) and kernel_3D: logger.warning(f"The 'overlap-2d' option is provided but is not available for 3D models. " f"'overlap-2d' is ignored.") # Assign length_2D and stride_2D for 2D patching length_2D = context[ConfigKW.DEFAULT_MODEL][ModelParamsKW.LENGTH_2D] if \ ModelParamsKW.LENGTH_2D in context[ConfigKW.DEFAULT_MODEL] else [] stride_2D = context[ConfigKW.DEFAULT_MODEL][ModelParamsKW.STRIDE_2D] if \ ModelParamsKW.STRIDE_2D in context[ConfigKW.DEFAULT_MODEL] else [] is_2d_patch = bool(length_2D) if (options is not None) and (OptionKW.NO_PATCH in options) and not kernel_3D: if is_2d_patch: is_2d_patch = not options.get(OptionKW.NO_PATCH) length_2D = [] stride_2D = [] else: logger.warning(f"The 'no-patch' option is provided but the model has no 'length_2D' and " f"'stride_2D' parameters in its configuration file " f"'{fname_model_metadata.split('/')[-1]}'. 2D patching is ignored, the segmentation " f"is done on the entire image without patches.") if OptionKW.OVERLAP_2D in options: logger.warning(f"The 'no-patch' option is provided along with the 'overlap-2D' option. " f"2D patching is ignored, the segmentation is done on the entire image without patches.") else: if (options is not None) and (OptionKW.OVERLAP_2D in options) and not kernel_3D: if (length_2D and stride_2D): overlap_2D = options.get(OptionKW.OVERLAP_2D) # Swap OverlapX and OverlapY resulting in an array in order [OverlapY, OverlapX] # to match length_2D and stride_2D in [Height, Width] orientation. overlap_2D[1], overlap_2D[0] = overlap_2D[0], overlap_2D[1] # Adjust stride_2D with overlap_2D stride_2D = [x1 - x2 for (x1, x2) in zip(length_2D, overlap_2D)] else: logger.warning(f"The 'overlap-2d' option is provided but the model has no 'length_2D' and " f"'stride_2D' parameters in its configuration file " f"'{fname_model_metadata.split('/')[-1]}'. 2D patching is ignored, the segmentation " f"is done on the entire image without patches.") # Add microscopy pixel size and pixel size units from options to metadata for filenames_pairs if (options is not None) and (OptionKW.PIXEL_SIZE in options): metadata[MetadataKW.PIXEL_SIZE] = options.get(OptionKW.PIXEL_SIZE) if (options is not None) and (OptionKW.PIXEL_SIZE_UNITS in options): metadata[MetadataKW.PIXEL_SIZE_UNITS] = options.get(OptionKW.PIXEL_SIZE_UNITS) filename_pairs = [(fname_images, None, fname_roi, metadata if isinstance(metadata, list) else [metadata])] if kernel_3D: ds = MRI3DSubVolumeSegmentationDataset(filename_pairs, transform=tranform_lst, length=context[ConfigKW.MODIFIED_3D_UNET][ModelParamsKW.LENGTH_3D], stride=context[ConfigKW.MODIFIED_3D_UNET][ModelParamsKW.STRIDE_3D], slice_axis=slice_axis)"Loaded {len(ds)} {loader_params[LoaderParamsKW.SLICE_AXIS]} volumes of shape " f"{context[ConfigKW.MODIFIED_3D_UNET][ModelParamsKW.LENGTH_3D]}.") else: ds = MRI2DSegmentationDataset(filename_pairs, length=length_2D, stride=stride_2D, slice_axis=slice_axis, nibabel_cache=True, transform=tranform_lst, slice_filter_fn=SliceFilter( **loader_params[LoaderParamsKW.SLICE_FILTER_PARAMS])) ds.load_filenames() if is_2d_patch:"Loaded {len(ds)} {loader_params[LoaderParamsKW.SLICE_AXIS]} patches of shape {length_2D}.") else:"Loaded {len(ds)} {loader_params[LoaderParamsKW.SLICE_AXIS]} slices.") model_params = {} if ConfigKW.FILMED_UNET in context and context[ConfigKW.FILMED_UNET][ModelParamsKW.APPLIED]: onehotencoder = get_onehotencoder(context, folder_model, options, ds) model_params.update({ModelParamsKW.NAME: ConfigKW.FILMED_UNET, ModelParamsKW.FILM_ONEHOTENCODER: onehotencoder, ModelParamsKW.N_METADATA: len([ll for l in onehotencoder.categories_ for ll in l])}) # Data Loader data_loader = DataLoader(ds, batch_size=context[ConfigKW.TRAINING_PARAMETERS][TrainingParamsKW.BATCH_SIZE], shuffle=False, pin_memory=True, collate_fn=imed_loader_utils.imed_collate, num_workers=0) # Loop across batches preds_list, slice_idx_list = [], [] last_sample_bool, weight_matrix, volume, image = False, None, None, None for i_batch, batch in enumerate(data_loader): preds = get_preds(context, fname_model, model_params, cuda_available, device, batch) # Set datatype to gt since prediction should be processed the same way as gt for b in batch[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA]: for modality in b: modality['data_type'] = 'gt' # Reconstruct 3D object pred_list, target_list, last_sample_bool, weight_matrix, volume, image = reconstruct_3d_object( context, batch, undo_transforms, preds, preds_list, kernel_3D, is_2d_patch, slice_axis, slice_idx_list, data_loader, fname_images, i_batch, last_sample_bool, weight_matrix, volume, image ) return pred_list, target_list
[docs] def split_classes(nib_prediction): """Split a 4D nibabel multi-class segmentation file in multiple 3D nibabel binary segmentation files. Args: nib_prediction (nibabelObject): 4D nibabel object. Returns: list of nibabelObject. """ pred = nib_prediction.get_fdata() pred_list = [] for c in range(pred.shape[-1]): class_pred = nib.Nifti1Image(pred[..., c].astype('float32'), nib_prediction.header.get_best_affine(), nib_prediction.header.copy()) pred_list.append(class_pred) return pred_list
[docs] def reconstruct_3d_object(context: dict, batch: dict, undo_transforms: UndoCompose, preds: torch.tensor, preds_list: list, kernel_3D: bool, is_2d_patch: bool, slice_axis: int, slice_idx_list: list, data_loader: DataLoader, fname_images: list, i_batch: int, last_sample_bool: bool, weight_matrix: tensor, volume: tensor, image: tensor): """Reconstructs the 3D object from the current batch, and returns the list of predictions and targets. Args: context (dict): configuration dict. batch (dict): Dictionary containing input, gt and metadata undo_transforms (UndoCompose): Undo transforms so prediction match original image resolution and shape preds (tensor): Subvolume predictions preds_list (list of tensor): list of subvolume predictions. kernel_3D (bool): true when using 3D kernel. is_2d_patch (bool): Indicates if 2d patching is used. slice_axis (int): Indicates the axis used for the 2D slice extraction: Sagittal: 0, Coronal: 1, Axial: 2. slice_idx_list (list of int): list of indices for the axis slices. data_loader (DataLoader): DataLoader object containing batches using in object construction. fname_images (list): list of image filenames (e.g. .nii.gz) to segment. i_batch (int): index of current batch. last_sample_bool (bool) : flag to indicate whether this is the last sample in the 3D volume weight_matrix (tensor): the weight matrix volume (tensor): the volume tensor that is being partially reconstructed through the loop image (tensor): the image tensor that is being partially reconstructed through the loop Returns: pred_list (list): list of predictions target_list (list): list of targets last_sample_bool (bool): flag to indicate whether this is the last sample in the 3D volume weight_matrix (tensor): the weight matrix. Must be returned as passing tensor by reference is NOT reliable. volume (tensor): the volume tensor that is being partially reconstructed through the loop. Must be returned \ as passing tensor by reference is NOT reliable. image (tensor): the vimage tensor that is being partially reconstructed through the loop. Must be returned \ as passing tensor by reference is NOT reliable. """ pred_list = [] target_list = [] for i_slice in range(len(preds)): if "bounding_box" in batch[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][i_slice][0]: imed_obj_detect.adjust_undo_transforms(undo_transforms.transforms, batch, i_slice) batch[MetadataKW.GT_METADATA] = [[metadata[0]] * preds.shape[1] for metadata in batch[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA]] if kernel_3D: preds_undo, metadata, last_sample_bool, volume, weight_matrix = \ volume_reconstruction(batch, preds, undo_transforms, i_slice, volume, weight_matrix) if last_sample_bool: preds_list = [np.array(preds_undo)] else: if is_2d_patch: # undo transformations for patch and reconstruct slice preds_i_undo, metadata_idx, last_patch_bool, image, weight_matrix = \ image_reconstruction(batch, preds, undo_transforms, i_slice, image, weight_matrix) # If last patch of the slice if last_patch_bool: # Add new segmented slice to preds_list preds_list.append(np.array(preds_i_undo)) # Store the slice index of preds_i_undo in the original 3D image slice_idx_list.append(int(batch[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][i_slice][0]['slice_index'])) else: # undo transformations for slice preds_i_undo, metadata_idx = undo_transforms(preds[i_slice], batch[MetadataKW.GT_METADATA][i_slice], data_type='gt') # Add new segmented slice to preds_list preds_list.append(np.array(preds_i_undo)) # Store the slice index of preds_i_undo in the original 3D image slice_idx_list.append(int(batch[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][i_slice][0]['slice_index'])) # If last batch and last sample of this batch, then reconstruct 3D object if (i_batch == len(data_loader) - 1 and i_slice == len(batch['gt']) - 1) or last_sample_bool: pred_nib = pred_to_nib(data_lst=preds_list, fname_ref=fname_images[0], fname_out=None, z_lst=slice_idx_list, slice_axis=slice_axis, kernel_dim='3d' if kernel_3D else '2d', debug=False, bin_thr=-1, postprocessing=context[ConfigKW.POSTPROCESSING]) pred_list = split_classes(pred_nib) target_list = context[ConfigKW.LOADER_PARAMETERS][LoaderParamsKW.TARGET_SUFFIX] return pred_list, target_list, last_sample_bool, weight_matrix, volume, image
[docs] def volume_reconstruction(batch: dict, pred: tensor, undo_transforms: UndoCompose, smp_idx: int, volume: tensor = None, weight_matrix: tensor = None): """ Reconstructs volume prediction from subvolumes used during training Args: batch (dict): Dictionary containing input, gt and metadata pred (tensor): Subvolume prediction undo_transforms (UndoCompose): Undo transforms so prediction match original image resolution and shap smp_idx (int): Batch index volume (tensor): Reconstructed volume weight_matrix (tensor): Weights containing the number of predictions for each voxel Returns: pred_undo (tensor): undone subvolume, metadata (dict): metadata, last_sample_bool (bool): boolean representing if its the last sample of the volume volume (tensor): representing the volume reconstructed weight_matrix (tensor): weight matrix """ pred_undo, metadata = None, None x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max = batch[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][smp_idx][0]['coord'] num_pred = pred[smp_idx].shape[0] # A boolean flag indicate whether the current volume is the VERY first subvolume of the entire 3D volume/space. # Formed by check if x_min/y_min/z_min are all NOT zero. first_sample: bool = (x_min == 0 and y_min == 0 and z_min == 0) # Get the Dimension x, y, z = batch[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][smp_idx][0]['index_shape'] # If this is the first sample, instantiate a ZERO tensor based on the dimension if first_sample: volume = torch.zeros((num_pred, x, y, z)) weight_matrix = torch.zeros((num_pred, x, y, z)) last_sample_bool = x_max == x and y_max == y and z_max == z # Average predictions volume[:, x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max, z_min:z_max] += pred[smp_idx] weight_matrix[:, x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max, z_min:z_max] += 1 if last_sample_bool: volume /= weight_matrix pred_undo, metadata = undo_transforms(volume, batch[MetadataKW.GT_METADATA][smp_idx], data_type='gt') return pred_undo, metadata, last_sample_bool, volume, weight_matrix
[docs] def image_reconstruction(batch: dict, pred: tensor, undo_transforms: UndoCompose, smp_idx: int, image: tensor = None, weight_matrix: tensor = None): """ Reconstructs image prediction from patches used during training Args: batch (dict): Dictionary containing input, gt and metadata pred (tensor): Patch prediction undo_transforms (UndoCompose): Undo transforms so prediction match original image resolution and shape smp_idx (int): Batch index image (tensor): Reconstructed image weight_matrix (tensor): Weights containing the number of predictions for each pixel Returns: pred_undo (tensor): undone image metadata (dict): metadata last_patch_bool (bool): boolean representing if its the last patch of the image image (tensor): representing the image reconstructed weight_matrix (tensor): weight matrix """ pred_undo, metadata = None, None x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = batch[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][smp_idx][0]['coord'] num_pred = pred[smp_idx].shape[0] # A boolean flag indicate whether the current patch is the VERY first patch of the entire 2D image. # Formed by check if x_min/y_min are all NOT zero first_patch: bool = (x_min == 0 and y_min == 0) # Get the Dimension x, y = batch[MetadataKW.INPUT_METADATA][smp_idx][0]['index_shape'] # If this is the first sample, instantiate a ZERO tensor based on the dimension if first_patch: image = torch.zeros((num_pred, x, y)) weight_matrix = torch.zeros((num_pred, x, y)) last_patch_bool = x_max == x and y_max == y # Average predictions image[:, x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max] += pred[smp_idx] weight_matrix[:, x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max] += 1 if last_patch_bool: image /= weight_matrix pred_undo, metadata = undo_transforms(image, batch[MetadataKW.GT_METADATA][smp_idx], data_type='gt') return pred_undo, metadata, last_patch_bool, image, weight_matrix