Source code for ivadomed.postprocessing

# Deals with postprocessing on generated segmentation.

import functools

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from loguru import logger
from scipy.ndimage import label, generate_binary_structure, binary_fill_holes
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max
from pathlib import Path

[docs] def nifti_capable(wrapped): """Decorator to make a given function compatible with input being Nifti objects. Args: wrapped: Given function. Returns: Functions' return. """ @functools.wraps(wrapped) def wrapper(data, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(data, nib.Nifti1Image): return nib.Nifti1Image( dataobj=wrapper(np.copy(np.asanyarray(data.dataobj)), *args, **kwargs), affine=data.header.get_best_affine(), header=data.header.copy() ) return wrapped(data, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] def binarize_with_low_threshold(wrapped): """Decorator to set low values (< 0.001) to 0. Args: wrapped: Given function. Returns: Functions' return. """ @functools.wraps(wrapped) def wrapper(data, *args, **kwargs): if not np.array_equal(data, data.astype(bool)): return mask_predictions(data, wrapper(threshold_predictions(data, thr=0.001), *args, **kwargs)) return wrapped(data, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] def multilabel_capable(wrapped): """Decorator to make a given function compatible multilabel images. Args: wrapped: Given function. Returns: Functions' return. """ @functools.wraps(wrapped) def wrapper(data, *args, **kwargs): if len(data.shape) == 4: label_list = [] for i in range(data.shape[-1]): out_data = wrapped(data[..., i], *args, **kwargs) label_list.append(out_data) return np.array(label_list).transpose((1, 2, 3, 0)) return wrapped(data, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] @nifti_capable def threshold_predictions(predictions, thr=0.5): """Threshold a soft (i.e. not binary) array of predictions given a threshold value, and returns a binary array. Args: predictions (ndarray or nibabel object): Image to binarize. thr (float): Threshold value: voxels with a value < to thr are assigned 0 as value, 1 otherwise. Returns: ndarray: ndarray or nibabel (same object as the input) containing only zeros or ones. Output type is int. """ thresholded_preds = np.copy(predictions)[:] low_values_indices = thresholded_preds < thr thresholded_preds[low_values_indices] = 0 low_values_indices = thresholded_preds >= thr thresholded_preds[low_values_indices] = 1 return thresholded_preds.astype(int)
[docs] @nifti_capable @binarize_with_low_threshold def keep_largest_object(predictions): """Keep the largest connected object from the input array (2D or 3D). Args: predictions (ndarray or nibabel object): Input segmentation. Image could be 2D or 3D. Returns: ndarray or nibabel (same object as the input). """ # Find number of closed objects using skimage "label" labeled_obj, num_obj = label(np.copy(predictions)) # If more than one object is found, keep the largest one if num_obj > 1: # Keep the largest object predictions[np.where(labeled_obj != (np.bincount(labeled_obj.flat)[1:].argmax() + 1))] = 0 return predictions
[docs] @nifti_capable def keep_largest_object_per_slice(predictions, axis=2): """Keep the largest connected object for each 2D slice, along a specified axis. Args: predictions (ndarray or nibabel object): Input segmentation. Image could be 2D or 3D. axis (int): 2D slices are extracted along this axis. Returns: ndarray or nibabel (same object as the input). """ # Split the 3D input array as a list of slice along axis list_preds_in = np.split(predictions, predictions.shape[axis], axis=axis) # Init list of processed slices list_preds_out = [] # Loop across the slices along the given axis for idx in range(len(list_preds_in)): slice_processed = keep_largest_object(np.squeeze(list_preds_in[idx], axis=axis)) list_preds_out.append(slice_processed) return np.stack(list_preds_out, axis=axis)
[docs] @nifti_capable @multilabel_capable def fill_holes(predictions, structure=(3, 3, 3)): """Fill holes in the predictions using a given structuring element. Note: This function only works for binary segmentation. Args: predictions (ndarray or nibabel object): Input binary segmentation. Image could be 2D or 3D. structure (tuple of integers): Structuring element, number of ints equals number of dimensions in the input array. Returns: ndrray or nibabel (same object as the input). Output type is int. """ assert np.array_equal(predictions, predictions.astype(bool)) assert len(structure) == len(predictions.shape) return binary_fill_holes(predictions, structure=np.ones(structure)).astype(int)
[docs] @nifti_capable def mask_predictions(predictions, mask_binary): """Mask predictions using a binary mask: sets everything outside the mask to zero. Args: predictions (ndarray or nibabel object): Input binary segmentation. Image could be 2D or 3D. mask_binary (ndarray): Numpy array with the same shape as predictions, containing only zeros or ones. Returns: ndarray or nibabel (same object as the input). """ assert predictions.shape == mask_binary.shape assert np.array_equal(mask_binary, mask_binary.astype(bool)) return predictions * mask_binary
[docs] def coordinate_from_heatmap(nifti_image, thresh=0.3): """ Retrieve coordinates of local maxima in a soft segmentation. Args: nifti_image (nibabel object): nifti image of the soft segmentation. thresh (float): Relative threshold for local maxima, i.e., after normalizing the min and max between 0 and 1, respectively. Returns: list: A list of computed coordinates found by local maximum. each element will be a list composed of [x, y, z] """ image = np.array(nifti_image.dataobj) coordinates_tmp = peak_local_max(image, min_distance=5, threshold_rel=thresh) return coordinates_tmp
[docs] def label_file_from_coordinates(nifti_image, coord_list): """ Creates a nifti object with single-voxel labels. Each label has a value of 1. The nifti object as the same orientation as the input. Args: nifti_image (nibabel object): Path to the image which affine matrix will be used to generate a new image with labels. coord_list (list): list of coordinates. Each element is [x, y, z]. Orientation should be the same as the image Returns: nib_pred: A nifti object containing the singe-voxel label of value 1. The matrix will be the same size as `nifti_image`. """ imsh = list(np.array(nifti_image.dataobj).shape) # create an empty 3d object. label_array = np.zeros(tuple(imsh)) for j in range(len(coord_list)): label_array[coord_list[j][0], coord_list[j][1], coord_list[j][2]] = 1 nib_pred = nib.Nifti1Image( dataobj=label_array, affine=nifti_image.header.get_best_affine(), ) return nib_pred
[docs] def remove_small_objects(data, bin_structure, size_min): """Removes all unconnected objects smaller than the minimum specified size. Args: data (ndarray): Input data. bin_structure (ndarray): Structuring element that defines feature connections. size_min (int): Minimal object size to keep in input data. Returns: ndarray: Array with small objects. """ data_label, n = label(data, structure=bin_structure) for idx in range(1, n + 1): data_idx = (data_label == idx).astype(int) n_nonzero = np.count_nonzero(data_idx) if n_nonzero < size_min: data[data_label == idx] = 0 return data
[docs] class Postprocessing(object): """Postprocessing steps manager Args: postprocessing_params (dict): Indicates postprocessing steps (in the right order) data_pred (ndarray): Prediction from the model. dim_lst (list): Dimensions of a voxel in mm. filename_prefix (str): Path to prediction file without suffix. Attributes: postprocessing_params (dict): Indicates postprocessing steps (in the right order) data_pred (ndarray): Prediction from the model. px (float): Resolution (mm) along the first axis. py (float): Resolution (mm) along the second axis. pz (float): Resolution (mm) along the third axis. filename_prefix (str): Path to prediction file without suffix. n_classes (int): Number of classes. bin_struct (ndarray): Binary structure. """
[docs] def __init__(self, postprocessing_params, data_pred, dim_lst, filename_prefix): self.postprocessing_dict = postprocessing_params self.data_pred = data_pred self.filename_prefix = filename_prefix self.px,, self.pz = dim_lst h, w, d, self.n_classes = self.data_pred.shape self.bin_struct = generate_binary_structure(3, 2)
[docs] def apply(self): """Parse postprocessing parameters and apply postprocessing steps to data. """ for postprocessing in self.postprocessing_dict: getattr(self, postprocessing)(**self.postprocessing_dict[postprocessing]) return self.data_pred
[docs] def binarize_prediction(self, thr): """Binarize output. """ if thr >= 0: self.data_pred = threshold_predictions(self.data_pred, thr)
[docs] def binarize_maxpooling(self): """Binarize by setting to 1 the voxel having the max prediction across all classes. """ # Generate background class background = np.ones(self.data_pred[..., 0].shape) n_class = self.data_pred.shape[-1] for c in range(n_class): background -= self.data_pred[..., c] # Concatenate background class pred_with_background = np.concatenate((background[..., None], self.data_pred), axis=-1) # Find class with max pred class_pred = np.argmax(pred_with_background, axis=-1) self.data_pred = np.zeros_like(self.data_pred) for c in range(n_class): self.data_pred[..., c] = class_pred == c + 1
[docs] def uncertainty(self, thr, suffix): """Removes the most uncertain predictions. Args: thr (float): Uncertainty threshold. suffix (str): Suffix of uncertainty filename. """ if thr >= 0: uncertainty_path = self.filename_prefix + suffix if Path(uncertainty_path).exists(): data_uncertainty = nib.load(uncertainty_path).get_fdata() if suffix == "_unc-iou.nii.gz" or suffix == "_soft.nii.gz": self.data_pred = mask_predictions(self.data_pred, data_uncertainty > thr) else: self.data_pred = mask_predictions(self.data_pred, data_uncertainty < thr) else: raise ValueError('No uncertainty file found.')
[docs] def remove_small(self, unit, thr): """Remove small objects Args: unit (str): Indicates the units of the objects: "mm3" or "vox" thr (int or list): Minimal object size to keep in input data. """ if isinstance(thr, list) and (self.n_classes != len(thr)): raise ValueError("Length mismatch for remove small object postprocessing step: threshold length of {} " "while the number of predicted class is {}.".format(len(thr), self.n_classes)) # Convert thr to list if isinstance(thr, int): thr = [thr] * self.n_classes if unit == 'vox': size_min = thr elif unit == 'mm3': size_min = np.round(thr / (self.px * * self.pz)) else: logger.error('Please choose a different unit for removeSmall. Choices: vox or mm3') exit() for idx in range(self.n_classes): self.data_pred[..., idx] = remove_small_objects(data=self.data_pred[..., idx], bin_structure=self.bin_struct, size_min=size_min[idx])
[docs] def fill_holes(self): """Fill holes in the predictions """ # Function fill_holes requires a binary input self.data_pred = threshold_predictions(self.data_pred) self.data_pred = fill_holes(self.data_pred)
[docs] def keep_largest(self): """Keep largest object in prediction """ self.data_pred = keep_largest_object(self.data_pred)
[docs] def remove_noise(self, thr): """Remove prediction values under the given threshold Args: thr (float): Threshold under which predictions are set to 0. """ if thr >= 0: mask = self.data_pred > thr self.data_pred = mask_predictions(self.data_pred, mask)