Source code for ivadomed.scripts.convert_to_onnx

import argparse
import torch
from ivadomed import utils as imed_utils

def get_parser():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", dest="model", required=True, type=str,
                        help="Path to .pt model.", metavar=imed_utils.Metavar.file)
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--dimension", dest="dimension", required=True,
                        type=int, help="Input dimension (2 for 2D inputs, 3 for 3D inputs).",
    parser.add_argument("-n", "--n_channels", dest="n_channels", default=1, type=int,
                        help="Number of input channels of the model.",
    parser.add_argument("-g", "--gpu_id", dest="gpu_id", default=0, type=str,
                        help="GPU number if available.",
    return parser

[docs] def convert_pytorch_to_onnx(model, dimension, n_channels, gpu_id=0): """Convert PyTorch model to ONNX. The integration of Deep Learning models into the clinical routine requires cpu optimized models. To export the PyTorch models to `ONNX <>`_ format and to run the inference using `ONNX Runtime <>`_ is a time and memory efficient way to answer this need. This function converts a model from PyTorch to ONNX format, with information of whether it is a 2D or 3D model (``-d``). Args: model (string): Model filename. Flag: ``--model``, ``-m``. dimension (int): Indicates whether the model is 2D or 3D. Choice between 2 or 3. Flag: ``--dimension``, ``-d`` gpu_id (string): GPU ID, if available. Flag: ``--gpu_id``, ``-g`` """ if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = "cuda:" + str(gpu_id) else: device = "cpu" model_net = torch.load(model, map_location=device) dummy_input = torch.randn(1, n_channels, 96, 96, device=device) if dimension == 2 \ else torch.randn(1, n_channels, 96, 96, 96, device=device) imed_utils.save_onnx_model(model_net, dummy_input, model.replace("pt", "onnx"))
def main(args=None): imed_utils.init_ivadomed() parser = get_parser() args = imed_utils.get_arguments(parser, args) fname_model = args.model dimension = int(args.dimension) gpu_id = str(args.gpu_id) n_channels = args.n_channels convert_pytorch_to_onnx(fname_model, dimension, n_channels, gpu_id) if __name__ == '__main__': main()